Product Information
PerkGrout™ is a polymer modified pervious concrete using a non-shrink cement to produce a durable, crack-resistant, pervious grout for flagstone set in compacted base rock (crushed stone) or pervious concrete.
- Eliminates messy fines and washouts
- Crack-resistant and long lasting
- Reduces weeds, critters and other maintenance
- Permeable
PerkGrout™ is supplied in 30 lb. sacks in either ‘Grey’ or ‘Tan’ color. Exactly one full quart of water is mixed with each sack, either in a mortar type mixer, in a bucket with a drill mixer, or in a tub by hand.
Custom colors for large orders are possible and one can add their own powder concrete color pigment.
Each 30 lb. sack covers approximately 17 square feet of flagstone area. This assumes mostly larger, 18” size flagstone pieces, 1” to 2” wide joints and 2”depth.
Handy homeowners and landscape professionals can install PerkGrout™.
How to Install PerkGrout Video:
Click on the 'Information Link' below to learn more.